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pdf0 FLYER SESCOM 08 OCT 2020
(1 vote)
Created: 2020-11-16
Size: 1.15 MB

JULEP ni jiko la umeme linalopika kwa kutumia joto na presha ya mvuke unaokusanywa ndani ya sufuria. Jiko hili hutumia nishati kidogo sana kuivisha chakula kwa muda mfupi na kuhifadhi ladha, hivyo huokoa fedha, muda, afya na mazingira.

Lina uwezo wa kupika vyakula mbalimbali kama vile kande, wali, ndizi, mchemsho, ugali, pilau n.k, kwa njia ya kuchemsha, kurosti/kuunga, kwa mvuke(steam cooking) na kuoka Jiko hili lina kikombe maalumu ambacho kinatumika kama kipimo cha ujazo wa chakula kinachopikwa na maji

pdf1 Semi-industrial Solar Dryer
(0 votes)
Created: 2022-06-23
Size: 787.39 KB

Why to choose this solution?

Solar dryers prevent destruction of agricultural produce from rain, wind, contamination, dust, insects, etc. and thereby ensure a better quality of produce. It allows small-scale farmers to improve storage conditions and reduces after-harvest losses. The higher quality increases the value of dried products, which may justify higher market prices.

Savings per day or production: The dryer needs nothing more than solar radiation. The solar dryer can improve food security by allowing longer storage of food after drying compared to food that has not been dried.

Cost in money and in own time to construct:

The initial cost to acquire the semi-industrial solar dryer is high. The total cost of the materials amount to Tsh. 10 millions. A well-managed solar-drying business, however, can realize a payback period of 6-12 months.